Monday, August 6, 2007

Forgetting memories remembered .

They won't ever go away . These chains and shackles I'm bound to . Chains and shackles that not only I am bound to , but everyone else as well . All trying to claw out the dungeon that is our minds . To escape the dark creatures lurking within , killing us one by one and turning us into the very thing that we hate . These chains I and everyones hands are memories .

The memories that will never go away . Like an unwashable blood stain on a strait jacket in a sanitarium . Or an asylum , whatever . They always return to haunt you when you think hard enough . You forget , these chains when you're somewhere you want to be , or somewhere that distracts you enough to make you not think about the past . But when we're alone , with nothing at all to do except think . This is what we'll think about . The past . Everything we think about is never a fact , except for the past . Anything else is predicting what will happen tomorrow , or what happened today , in which case what happens tomorrow is not a fact , and what happens today is . So there is nothing factual you think about in your mind except the past . And when we think about it .

Everything returns to you . The most dreaded experiences replay in your mind over and over again . Like someone mutilating you excrutiatingly then bringing you back to life to do it again . Someone sadistic . In this case , the mind . We are all unwilling sadists . Our minds liking to see us suffer by hurling at us memory after memory . Wounds which never heal , but instead is forgotten . Everything is forgotten . Until you think hard enough . Then the wounds would resurface , encompassing your skins , no matter how clean and pure you are now or before . The scars would surface and stretch to its limits . Tearing across your vessells fabric . Remembering what you've done and what you should'nt have done wrong . Making you think about the choices you have made thus far . Which choice merely influenced a tiny fraction of your life , and which choice turned your entire life around .

Good memories ? Life isn't that fair . For the good memories we forget . Like a teacher remembering only the most rowdiest and noisiest of his or her students . In time , we will only come to remember the memories we fear the most . And all the good times , good old days , will be lost in the mist of the mind . The sadist that adores and shudders with glee at every second of you thinking of the pain you have gone through , you have yet to go through , the pain you feel when someone stabs you in the back , when your whole life turns on you . When everything goes wrong .

So whats good in life if when the longer you live , the more you'll suffer ? If life were this structured , I would have been dead long ago . But . Life is NOT this structured . You have choices to make despite the ones you have made wrong in the past . You can choose where you want to go . You have rights . Life is wasted on people who want to die .

People who commit suidice because thier best friends died , thier most loved parent died , thier entire family died in a matter of years , they get abused . All these people who commit suicide because of genuine reasons .

Are selfish , irresponsible , weak and uncaring .

No matter how big his or her problems are . No matter how huge they get or will become . That person commited suicide ? He tried and tried and just could'nt get out ? Then that person is a quitter , a loser . A FAILURE .

Selfish ? Becasue you don't care for anyone else . No matter what . There are people out there who care for you . And by dying . You bring them grief . Untold grief . But mainly because of the thousands and thousands of people who WANT to live but CANT . Thier lying on their deathbeds willing to give anything in exchange to LIVE . And how do you think they'll feel when they turn on the tv , and they see all these bunch of selfish quitters throwing away thier lives ?

You LIVE not because you want to , but because you HAVE to .

No matter how hard it is , you HAVE to move on . You just have to . Theres no choice in such matters , I mean of course there is , but its up to you whether you want to make the choice losers and quitters make , or you want to make the choice to FORCE yourself to become stronger , to WILL yourself to survive . Cause in the future , you would want to look back on all these problems and say it out to the world . 'I had the guts to survive.'

Then you're not the quitter . You're not the loser who ended thier problems and created grief and sadness for others by killing themselves . You earn respect because you almost attempted it , but you went on . And eventually , you'll survive .

Running away from problems make you a cowardly , selfish , good-for-nothing , idiot whom people would rather not know . But facing your problems and SURVIVING . Will make you everything you ever wanted to be .

Never ever give up . Never ever let go .

And never ever . Forget .

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